Information about the orbit and solar arc time
All is in motion and all in all is in motion as well as all motions are fluctuating. The earth orbits the sun. The earth has its own rotation. The moon orbits the earth. The gravity of the sun, earth and moon, as well as other celestial bodies, causes the orbit and the rotation as well as the speed of earth fluctuate.
Perihelion distance:	147 095 000 km (currently ~3. January)
Aphelion   distance:	152 100 000 km (currently ~5. July)
Orbit  way  length :	940 000 000 km
Earth  max.  speed :	30.29 km/s
Earth  min.  speed :	29.29 km/s
Earth orbit, earth rotation, moon orbit and speed fluctuations
Rotation of Moon Earth Sun

The earth's orbit is not a circle, it is an ellipse, and with a closer look it is a snaking line. The snaking line is caused by the gravity between the Earth and the Moon, which have a common center of gravity (barycenter). All these movements make calculations difficult. This is why mean times are used in conventional usage. In the arc time calculations few fluctuations are included.

Earth orbit snake line at perihel as well as the earth-moon-barycenter and the sun-earth-barycenter
Earth orbit snake line at perihel

The orbit arc time used precalculated and calculated data based on the Earth-Moon-Barycenter (EMB) and the Sun-Earth-Barycenter (SEB) without further celestial bodies. The results on this arc time website are therefore only an approximation of the real fluctuations.

As a fixing date are used a Earth-Moon-Barycenter Perihel date near to a newmoon. The Earth and Moon is in one constellation line to the sun at a newmoon and a fullmoon.
Newmoon 1824:			01.01.1824 08:11
EMB Perihel 1824:		01.01.1824 08:15:28 *
Newmoon 1999:			07.12.1999 22:32
Newmoon 2000:			06.01.2000 18:14
EMB Perihel 2000:		03.01.2000 23:48:11
Calculated EMB Perihel 2000:	04.01.2000 00:57:35

*("Seasons, Easter and Astronomical Motions" from Pier Paolo Ricci)
The time from perihelion to perihelion has always the same lenght: 365.25963586805557 days (31558432.539 seconds) and is called "anomalistic year". The date of a perihelion wandered in the currently valid gregorian calendar year with a length of 365.2425 days. In the years 1600 to 1700 the earth-moon-barycenter perihelions was between the 27. and 28. december. In the years 3900 to 4000 the earth-moon-barycenter perihelions will be between the 6. and 8. february. An anomalistic year has also nothing to do with the seasons.

The orbit and solar arc time clock used a 360 degree system with 60 minutes per degree and 60 seconds per minute. An orbit arc time year has 360 orbit arc time degrees (days). An solar arc time day has 360 solar arc time degrees (hours). 360 orbit arc time degrees has not a common year lenght. 360 solar arc time degrees has not a common day lenght. Also the arc time minutes and seconds are not so long as common minutes and seconds.

A 360 degree angel disk (counter-clockwise) and the different split of a barycenter based and a orbital line based system
Angle disk Orbit and Barycenter Split

The orbit arc time used the sun-barycenter as the center of the 360 degree system. It is also not only a split of the length of the orbit way around the sun (940 Mio. km). The sun-barycenter as the system base is equal to a sun coordinate system. It is equal to the solar arc time. The time gives always the sun coordinate longitude of the position of the earth on zenith viewing from the surface of the sun. The difference to the self-rotating earth is, that this sun coordinate system is fixed to the earth orbit. The perihelion is always at 0° and the aphelion is always at 180°.

The orbit arc time fluctuate because of the fluctuation of the speed of the earth on its orbit around the sun from 30.29 km/s at perihelion to 29.29 km/s at aphelion. The solar arc time fluctuate because of the fluctuating speed of the earth rotation.

Periods of the speed of self-rotation of the earth on its orbit around the sun.
Earth selfrotation Periods

A 360 degree system on time is more advantageous than a 365-day and 24-hour system. Because the base is as round as a circle and circles use an angle measurement with 360 units. The Earth's conventional coordinate system also uses a 360 degree system for longitude (-180° - 180°). With the use of a 360 degree clock time, the lines of longitude can be used to indicate the position of the zenith of the sun and to calculate time zones.

The common clock time used a 24 hour system with 60 minutes per hour amd 60 seconds per minute. This don't fit with the 360 degree coordinate system. In a 24 hour system is 1 hour = 15° in a 360° coordinate system, as well as 4 minutes = 1°. 60 minutes and 60 seconds are equal in both systems, but the 24 hour breaks all. A 360 degree clock time system fit with the 360 degree coordinate system. This has furthermore to do with the circle constant Pi (π) for the circle calculation.

The sun is only at 4 days in the year equaly to the common mean time because of the fluctuating of the self-rotation of the earth.

Positions of the Sun compared to local mean time as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere.
Equation of time Analemma
A similar 8 (analemma) on the sky is created when every day of the year at 12:00 noon CET a photo of the sun is taken with a camera fixed to the celestial meridian.

Orbit arc time date calendar — month december
Orbit Arc Time Date Calendar December

The orbit arc time date calendar don't fit with a 24 hour day.
The light blue bar visualized the percentage of 1° (1 orbit arc day).
The length of 1° (1 orbit arc day) is on Ø 24:21:02. It is fluctuating around ±1 hour.

The calendar used:
10 months in 1 year
6 weeks in 1 month
6 days in 1 week
36 days in 1 month
360 days in 1 year
The names of the months are adopted from the gregorian calendar, with the difference, that the months June and September are fall out. Thereby the monthnames October, November and December are correct again to his month numbers, because:
(latin) octo = eight (8)
(latin) novem = nine (9)
(latin) decem = then (10)
The names of the days are adopted from there etymology original names.
The names of the weeks are adopted from the names of the days.

Please notice: The arc time is very experimental. Please report errors.

The name "arc time" was chosen because the calculation of the arc time is based on the arc measure (radian measure) Pi (π). Because the representation of the clock times and the calendar date in radians is not very practical, the angular measure is used for this.

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